I have a problem, how can I reach the support team?
Did you try our extensive knowledge base already? You can easily search it through the search bar or by clicking on the right topic.
We are sorry if you haven’t found your answer there. Please submit a ticket for your request.
There are two ways of generating a support ticket.
1. You can click on “Submit A Ticket” within the footer of the website at the very end of the site.
To submit a ticket you must create an account or log in to your current account.
2. If you already have an account, then you can also login with your login details and create a ticket from the drop-down menu.
- Log in to your account with the details that you’ve created before.
- Click on “My Account”
- Select “Submit New Ticket.” Here you will be able to create new tickets. Or click on “My Tickets” (where your active tickets are also featured) and create a new one.